Community Counts Colorado’s Good Neighbor training program helps to set the stage for great communication and quick conflict resolution. Learn more be reading below.
Good Neighbor Certification Program
In today’s fast-moving world, few of us have time to sit down and listen to people we don’t respect and trust. Many in the general public don’t respect or trust the energy industry. In talking with our energy partners about a strategy to open lines of communication and encourage rational decision-making, we all agreed that industry field personnel are uniquely qualified to be Good Neighbor Ambassadors if (1) they are aware of how to mitigate impacts in the field, and 2) if they understand the issues in a way that allows them to share facts with their friends and family.
Create a Good Neighbor Certification program that would not only empower their employees, but even more, qualifies companies to become Good Neighbor certified. It was felt by all the members we talked with that this would be good for their business. So with the help of several of our trucking firm members, we designed our present program.
- Increases field personnel awareness about Community Counts and how our response line works.
- Discusses typical complaints we get and ideas to mitigate impacts.
- Talks about the Good Neighbor Pledge that member companies have committed to honoring.
- Shares how field personnel can help, and why they’re so critical to changing the narrative about the energy industry.
- Discusses conflict strategies and decision-making in the field.
- Shares facts and fracking technology and why the public outrage exists.
- Helps our energy member companies build reputation and increase client base.
- (Clients appreciate contractors who participate in CC’s streamlined and effective issues management system.)
- Government officials and regulators appreciate having issues quickly addressed and resolved by CC members before those issues make it to public meetings.
- Residents appreciate seeing courteous drivers and field personnel who are helpful and sensitive to impacts and working to mitigate those impacts as best they can.
- Field personnel take new pride in their work, which means that when activity picks up and people move back into the Piceance, we’ll have an army of support in the field to tell newcomers that
For more information about Community Counts Good Neighbor training, or to schedule a training for you/your employees, contact Karla Distel,, 970-712-7317.